Monday, October 11, 2010

The Parable of the Pickle

In a conference talk from 2007 given by David A. Bednar called "Ye must be born again", he tells of the parable of the pickle. It sounds silly but it's really quite deep. This was a huge part of what our relief society lesson was on yesterday. Its a great analogy! Here's the short version:

"A cucumber becomes a pickle as it is prepared and cleaned, immersed in and saturated with salt brine, and sealed in a sterilized container. This procedure requires time and cannot be hurried and none of the essential steps can be ignored or avoided...

Through faith in Christ we can be:
1. Spiritually prepared and cleansed from sin,
2. Immersed in and saturated with His gosepel, and
3. Purified and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise--even born again."

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